Left this huge Manatee behind at Marker 1 for Christmas in Tennessee |
It is now 2016, a time for renewal and moving to the next
phase of our life. We finished the
Loop--what now? This winter we will live
in Florida moving south when it gets cold or even chilly. I need to learn how to be retired –suggestions
welcomed. Terry has always wanted to spend winter where it is warm and we can
now do this. We are lining up friends
and family to come visit --Terry and Julie O’Donnell will come in on Jan. 19,
Katie and the kids are visiting for Spring Break and we have a promise from our
sisters –Thelma and Louise- to come for a stay.
First order of
business—wrap up the Loop focus of this blog.
It was set up specifically to chronical our Loop and while I will review
the different parts of the trip to add some pictures (during the first part of
the trip blogspot did not upload the pictures very well) and correct spelling/grammar,
I will not make any more Loop specific additions. There are sites that offer to make your blog
into a book-we will eventually have that done. The blog does, however, serve
another role in that it is an occasional post card to family and friends on
where we are and how we are doing. Plus, I find it very therapeutic to download/organize
our pictures and journal our experience of the time. This is a great backup (plus a good reference
for correcting each other’s stories). We
joke that when we are in the nursing home 30 years down the line we can read
about our experience and smile even in the fog that will be our minds Many thanks to all you who have kept up with
our travels, shared advice, corrected errors but mainly for caring. The Loop is a trip of a lifetime and we have
many people to thank for making this happen—we are blessed.