Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This morning we had a very thick fog. We had planned to go the 60 miles to Apalachicola but hesitated when we were fogged in so badly. Fitz went to the marina, drank some coffee with the locals, came back and announced we were starting engines. By the time we got out of the marina and into the channel the fog had cleared and we had a bright and sunny day. Sorry to say this to my


Awesome dolphin

friends and family in the frigid north but we got down right toasty. With our late start (10am) we had to hustle to make it to the marina before sunset. We go about 10 miles an hour—we made it just in time. A naval hovercraft blew by us in the channel first thing and we had to wonder what we would see on the open waters. The dolphins were amazing—when we kicked up the speed across the East Bay we kept hearing a slap, slap—looked back and the dolphin were jumping our wake. I thought of Katie and Nick on ski’s when they were little. We had a herd of them swimming with us for about 10 minutes. The pelicans are plentiful but we are wondering where the osprey are. Jeff at Apalachicola got us tied up and we are now ready for the rains that are said to hit us tonight.

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