Monday, August 24, 2015

Stuck in Port

The wise people that advise traveling Lake Michigan say that you should plan to travel 1 in 3 days because of the weather—mostly the winds and wave height. We were spoiled and didn’t know it. In the north part of the Lake we had what we thought were windy/wavy days but they only slightly altered our travel plan.  Now that we are in the wide portion of the Lake, the winds have kicked up and seasoned veterans are getting seasick.  The ports along the shore are only around 20 miles apart and there is good reason.  North Shore here in Grand Haven has a really good wave break so the good news is that we don’t have the waves but the wind is still blowing us around and (more importantly) there is no going out into the Lake.  So it is a good thing we are not in a hurry and we have an interesting port, great restaurants, stores and friends here.   
Grand Haven Waterfront
AJ and Amy on the Wall
Ready to go to dinner
Traffic gathering to watch the water show
Donut Peaches? and Great blueberries at the famers market

1 comment:

  1. We arrived home yesterday. We wish we were still doing the loop with you guys. Keep posting as we are following. I hope the winds let up soon. Safe travels!
