Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sunny Days crosses her Wake

On Nov. 14, 2013, we pulled into Grand Harbor at the top of the Tombigbee from our homeport of Decatur, Alabama and started our big adventure.  Almost 2 years and 6,000 miles later we pulled into almost the exact spot at 3PM Nov. 9, 2015 and completed the Loop. 
   All week we have been reflecting on different aspects of the trip—the wonderful new friends made--we still keep up with the Valentines with whom we crossed the Gulf, Rahn de Vous from northern waters, Captain's Choice in Canada, and GimmeTime, Fugitive and Kat in the Hatt the second leg (and many, many more too numerous to count--really docktails were almost nightly). We loved hosting the sisters  at Mackinac Island  and the kids  at  Chicago.  Conditions we went to  school on--the cold, rainy start, the refuge of the Keys, the opulence of the Atlantic and Chesapeake waters, the ICW as opposed to the canals.  There was the uniqueness of going into Charleston, New York, Washington DC, Chicago and visiting those cities via the water. The small towns that charmed us—Apalachicola, Dunedin, Southport, Canajoharie, Saugatuck, etc...  Canada was great with its nice people, cottages on big rocks and beautiful scenery.  Trips up the Hudson, the Potomac and the Cumberland added to the mileage but were high points in our experience. 
   Here at Grand Harbor we are docked beside fellow Loopers—Dollinger we had met in Nashville had left to go home and Sequacious II was an empty Silverton with a clean white Loop flag—an obvious newbie (I think I am jealous).  Tomorrow our friends from Penetang, Canada, aboard Fugitive are arriving from Chattanooga after a trip home and we will continue down the Tombigbee toward the Gulf with them as running buddies.  It is a quiet happy dance you hear from us today. A great way to end up the Great Circle Loop. 

Well used white Loop flag--we will retire it to a frame

Freddy T's --scene of the celebration

We earned this trophy together and had a blast doing it.

No rips or holes

Terry changes out the white for the gold

Grand Harbor --a nice place to make our crossing.


  1. Congratulations Terry and Lola !! Great Job!
    What a pleasure to have spent time with you this summer
    We will be following along through your blogs as you head south to soak up the sun. Be safe and have fun.

    1. Thanks! We so enjoyed meeting and traveling with you all --good example of why you do the Loop. We look forward to you all coming through here soon continuing your Loop.

  2. Such a great accomplishment! We loved doing the Northern section of the loop with you and look forward to seeing you again when we start back up on our quest for the gold flag! Safe travels my friend!

  3. You guys are amazing! Thanks for bringing us along via the blog. Here's to many more adventures just around the corner!

    1. Such a sweet child! You are the reason the Blog was easy to do. Love you, Mom

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