Facebook has been such a fun part of keeping up with the family and friends on the trip. I must admit to about 10 friends and I am a “lurker” not a participant. But one of my friends is the daughter of my mother’s best friend. She posted a picture of her mother who died about 20 years ago to salute Mother’s Day—it looks exactly as I remember her. My kids have been terrific about wishing me happy day and making me feel special. I want to salute their Grandmothers Fannie Leeton and Katherine Fitzpatrick and Marge Leeton--on our side. We lost Fannie in 1981 and I miss her every day. Marge is a great step-Grandmother and loves us like we are hers. Katherine died in 1997 –she was a great Grandmother—now that I am a Grandmother I appreciate her more than ever.
Fannie and Katherine toasting the newborn Katie |
Marge and Nick at the lake |
Love the pics!