Monday, June 23, 2014

Solomons and the Summer Solstice

The longest day of the year and we found ourselves at the terrific anchorage in Bushwood Wharf 2/3 the way down the Potomac -- after 10pm, soft rain started and continued through the night—a great night to sleep on the hook. We finished with the Potomac and made our way back out in the Chesapeake and this time we had smooth sailing—the gods were smiling. We pulled into the Solomons on the western shore of the Chesapeake a couple of miles up the Patuxent River—a very popular place with the locals. We anchored the first night and will go into Calvert Marina tonight, pick up mail and see the town. Fitz is excited because they have a West Marine and we can get our charts for the trip after the Chesapeake. We listened to the NASCAR race and heard Carl Edwards (one of our favorite drivers) win for the first time, Skyped with Katie and the grandbabies (lord they are growing) and talked to Nick on the phone. After the busy time in DC this was the best way to unwind.

Anchorage at Bushwood Wharf with the Gold Looper

Marker on the Chesapeake coming out of the Potomac

Some kind of government facility not on any charts--Top Secret?

Regetta coming into  Solomons

Great Anchorage

Another angle of our great anchorage

1 comment:

  1. Was that a red porta-potty hanging off the Chesapeake marker? Don't think I could relax enough to get the job done hanging off the side of the platform like that.
